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Yes Im Alone Too

As life goes on
and on
I find fewer people as friends
fewer worth being called friend
I spend more and more time alone

Life is short in memory and so long in the living, I am young in mind and old in body. The physical pain, the ache in the morning, the fatigue of the day, I could ignore, I do for the most part. The day is long to create something productive, yet I wonder for who and why and what. Yet to create what I can is all I have left.

Once I had a family, then a wife and children, now that is past, and the familys are gone, I set here by myself wishing for a friend. Is there someone who would care for some one old, and broken by lifes destructive ways, who can forgive, or would forgive an old man for being himself.

When you get old the game becomes so stupid. It is in the long run so destructive. A game is the saying of words which are expected, so you can have your way, satisfy your own desires. It took me a long time to understand the desire of women. That women need something men do not need. Will I tell you what evolved men need?

I have lived through many changes of behavior and adapted to the demands of the time. We live in a time that is sick really, the concept of politically correct, is so false. Men are prohibited from expressing their attraction to women. Women missuse this natural attraction as a weapon against them. We live in a age of repressed emotions, of repressed attractions.

What do I blame all this upon, only a few very sick women who have ruined the lives for both sexes. Now no woman can ever be sure how a male really feels toward her. No longer can she discriminate, and easily see if a man only wishes her for her sex.
Now no man can, allow himself to express and truly court a woman, with out fear of her.

I have learned only that women are cruel and vindictive. No male should ever a confess anything to a woman. Because that confession will not be forgiven and forgotten, instead it will become the weapon she uses to destroy him with.

Every man should keep in mind, his word will always be ignored and the womans will become the law. The legal profession and the legal system is full of women who hate men and will use his truth to destroy him regardless of his innocence.

Few men realize that the sexual desire of women increases with their age, and where that sexual desire diminishes the desire for the ideal love remains. The difference in men and women is this, men want sex more than anything else in their youth, and women know it. They use the sexual desire to control men.

But as women grow old the lose the beauty which attracted men to them, and at the same time their hormones increase. This increase causes them to want the sexual more and more. Some of it is proof they are still desireable and and some of it is because they are driven just as men are in their youth. Yet what ever the specific reason the older the women become the more available and vulnerable they become.

Lets talk about what I want from a woman.

First I do not want her to even have the thought that she can become any more than my equal. If she thinks for any reason that she is smarter in any way than me I have no room in my life for her. It is a total lie that women are smarter than men. Were that the case women would truly rule the world. Second she must have compassion for me and for herself. If she has petty disregard for any portion of herself she fails. Do you need an example. Ok dont wear any makeup at all. Women deserve only two chances when it comes to truth. The third time they lie they are out. It may take me a few more than two lies to discover them, but no matter. Women today totaly ratioalize lieing and as a matter of fact they pride themself in it. Finding a really honest woman is the goal.

We live in an age where women have been taught to lie, cheat, and steal from men. To have no true morality - to have lesban as well as hetro affairs - and think those deeds are secret and dont count. Yet they do.

When I find the woman who is true to herself and can be true to me I will accept her.